meuthen afd
Since the end of 2017 Meuthen has been a member of the European Parliament and deputy chairman of the EFDD. Jörg Meuthen Bundessprecher der. Infographic Resume Of Greta Thunberg Infographic Resume Climate Change About Climate Change WDR NDR and the ARD capital studio had previously reported. . 1 day agoMeuthen plädierte in den vergangenen zwei Jahren wiederholt für einen gemäßigteren Kurs der AfD. Damit machte er sich Feinde vor allem in. He was viewed as a moderate within the party with critics calling him a fig leaf to hide the partys more extremist elements. The long-standing AfD chairman Jörg Meuthen is turning his back on the party. 1 day agoMeuthen hatte sich dagegen gewandt er war aber im Vorstand unterlegen. He therefore spoke of a defeat in the power struggle with the formally dissolved right-wing extremist party faction Flugel for the orientation of the AfD. He was the leading candidate of the AfD...